7 Questions to Ask References Offered by Any Residential Painter You are Considering

Hiring house painters in Brisbane and getting your home painted is a lot more than only wall textures and paint colours. When choosing any firm to paint your house, they will certainly be spending lots of time inside your personal space. Therefore, you will certainly desire to hire somebody that will not just do an excellent job, but someone you can also trust completely. Most individuals take additional precautions when hiring as they understand that the professional painter will have complete access to their homes while they will be away at work.


What such people do is create a list of criteria, before going on to interview many different options before ultimately making their choice. They will like to review references, proof of insurance and license, and obviously, information about how the expert plans to paint their house. If the painter’s quote happens to be within range, and he haslicenses and proof of insurance, the next most crucial thing for such individuals was the expert’s references – they asked the painter to provide the names and phone numbers of past customers – and they then called them.


When the painters provide their references, they are most times reluctant to offer damaging reference for somebody they know – so you should not ask only questions that demand a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, but encourage a real conversation concerning their experience when they hired any painters in Brisbane whom, you might also be considering.


Do not forget, you are handing over your home and all that it contains to a firm you have chosen. It is quite critical that you can fully depend on them to remain trustworthy. Here are a couple of specific questions you must ask when you are verifying the provided references;

  1. On a scale of between 1 and 10, with 1 meaning disappointment and 10 meaning perfect, how will you rate your level of satisfaction with the painter you hired and the results he offered and why?
  2. Is there anything you wish he had done differently, if there is, what is it?
  3. Did the painter complete your project within the time that was scheduled?
  4. Did the painter complete your work in a professional manner?
  5. What was actually the best thing or feature of working with this particular painter?
  6. Were there any extras or hidden charges that weren’t included in the initial price that was quoted?
  7. Will you recommend the painter to work for any member of your family?


Question number 7 is everybody’s favourite as, there are people you can recommend to friends, but whom you do not like or trust enough to recommend to work for your family members.


Ultimately, any option you choose will not just have excellent references, but will bring a portfolio of past painting jobs along so, he can show you options and styles and not only a bunch of cheap paint chips. As you continue to shop around for expert house painters Brisbane, you should never forget to check their references out. Doing that is an effective means of ensuring that you hire nothing but the best.